this is a snippet taking from the interview we had with little boots earlier this week.
to find out more about her visit www.myspace.com/littleboots she has pretty much topped every chart related to big names in 2009.
. Who do you think will be 'big' in 2009?
I think Lilly Allen's new album will do well. I'm also looking forward to the new Eminem album.
. You use an amazing array of instruments in your music. What made you get into instruments such as the moog and the tenorion?
Moogs are just such classic synthesizers if you make electronic music its almost impossible not to get into them. As for the Tenori-on, I borrowed it from someone I was working with and got addicted... I now have three.
. You are involved deeply with Hot-Chip's Joe Goddard, I also heard that you are planning on working with Dev from lightspeed champion, Who are you main influences musically, are you from an electro backgound?
. You use an amazing array of instruments in your music. What made you get into instruments such as the moog and the tenorion?
Moogs are just such classic synthesizers if you make electronic music its almost impossible not to get into them. As for the Tenori-on, I borrowed it from someone I was working with and got addicted... I now have three.
. You are involved deeply with Hot-Chip's Joe Goddard, I also heard that you are planning on working with Dev from lightspeed champion, Who are you main influences musically, are you from an electro backgound?
I listen to a real range of music, I certainly don't consider myself to be from and electro background although I do DJ electro quite a lot. I mainly listen to artists like Kate Bush, David Bowie and The Beatles.
. when is the album due out then?
Later 2009, probably around the summer.
. when is the album due out then?
Later 2009, probably around the summer.
watch this its ace!; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJmpQptN6vU