Wednesday, 28 January 2009


Scottish winner of Orange act unsigned, Tommy Reilly took time out of his busy schedule to talk to us here at Beep!
Tommy is a solo act who wowed the judges throughout the whole of channel fours competition to find the best unsigned act in the UK. listen to his music at

How did you get into music?

My parents sent me to lessons.
If I liked it I could keep going but if I hated it I could stop. I was pretty into it and so yeh....that's it really.

Who are your main influences?

I'm into a lot of stuff. I'm a big dylan fan. I like a lot of scottish stuff at the moment. However, anything really I listen to loads of stuff. Anything I can get my hands on. I love movie scores lol.

How does it feel to win orange act unsigned?

It feels awesome!! I've never been happier! I've got a big grin on all the time. I get to make a record now!!!!!!

How did it feel to have the judges close to tears at various points in the competition?

Were they??? I didn't really see much, there was confetti everywhere. Also my friend pulled me into the crowd. I can't remember all of it. Pretty amazing 2 or 3 minutes.

Do you believe competitions like orange act unsigned are good for the music industry?

Yup but I'm biased. The reason I think Orange unsigned is good is that it exposes loads of different music. The final 10 bands on the tour would all make a cool record in their individual genres. Like Klaus. When Klaus makes a record it's gonna be great. Pyrelli would make a truly innovative hip-hop record and Hip Parade would make a great indie rock record!!! That's why I think it's good. I don't see a down side to getting to hear all those bands. I loved it.

you recorded your first single 'give me a call', are you happy with the final result?

Yeh. It's a different side to the song. I've had one version up on myspace for a while so I thought I'd record it a little different the second time. We recorded it in one night so there wasn't loads of time to play around. I'm pretty chuffed with it personally. I hope you enjoy it if you hear it.

what are your plans for the rest of 2009?

I'm gonna make an album. Also I'm gonna play as many shows as possible,, anywhere people will have me. I wanna have loads of fun too and enjoy what I like doing!

what can people expect from your album ?

I'm gonna have some fun making it. There's recordings on myspace with other instruments and ideas that I've never been able to utilise properly with the right facilities so yeh I don't know if that explains anything. I guess just more of what's been played on the show. I'm writing more songs than ever so hopefully the album will be quite a nice balance of new and old songs. I don't wanna be safe and just record all the old stuff. Is that helpful??? I don't know if that gives you an idea..........hehehe. Hope you enjoy it when it's done.
Thanks very much also to anyone who voted. Hope you like the single if you hear it.

Sunday, 25 January 2009

CD Swap Shop!!

On the 7th February Beep! are back at 1in12 with their fourth disco!plastique night. This time around we are going to have a CD swap shop;

what this means is; you bring a CD, in useable condition, and then bring it to the stall and swap it with another CD that someone else has brought in!
the CD is then yours to take home and love!

we also have live music from the momeraths, meet me in vegas, the slum hunnies and the marmozets!

so get your CD's ready!!

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Tuesday, 20 January 2009


I have really got back into my drawing and got nack into art a lot.
In grove library's art section - it is just full of ace books and its on the top floor, you feel really relaxed up there.
Watching channel four again; this is the best video ever made - well done lads!

Does anyone ever watch poker live?

Last Niggghttt

I was watching channel four at about one in them morning and on came transmition.
Ok so the presenter was drooling over the pussy cay dolls and distracting from the real musicians on the show.
He asked Pussy Cat Dolls if they liked english music, and with a look of distress, they made it obvious they knew nothing about music and just said "yeahhhh!"

Anyway at the end of the show, they have this little feature where two artits get together and play a song. This time it was Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly and Natty, two artits which i love. They played love will tear us apart by joy division.

Ok so i'm not sure, i want it to be good but it could be really shit theres a fine line and they are dancing all over it: you decide email me your thoughts.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Steve Lamacq Stringer

Ok, so here is the good news... I am going to be a stringer for Steve Lamacq's in new music we trust on Radio 1!!

i can't believe it, got a phone call from the steve lamacq show on friday now i was so shocked!

basically i will be on air monday between 9-10pm for a couple of minutes, i will be talking about a band i like.

This week i am going to be biggin' up Mexican Kids At Home, who played at the Beep! fundraiser on the 6th of December. []

tune in to radio 1 tomorrow night 9-10pm it is a really good show packed full of awsome bands.

[ps if it sounds like i am trying to talk posh on the show it is because, i had to try and talk cl-ear-ly to make sure the mobile phone recording wasn't muffled]

see you soon.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Little Boots Interview Sneak Preview

this is a snippet taking from the interview we had with little boots earlier this week.

to find out more about her visit she has pretty much topped every chart related to big names in 2009.

. Who do you think will be 'big' in 2009?
I think Lilly Allen's new album will do well. I'm also looking forward to the new Eminem album.

. You use an amazing array of instruments in your music. What made you get into instruments such as the moog and the tenorion?
Moogs are just such classic synthesizers if you make electronic music its almost impossible not to get into them. As for the Tenori-on, I borrowed it from someone I was working with and got addicted... I now have three.

. You are involved deeply with Hot-Chip's Joe Goddard, I also heard that you are planning on working with Dev from lightspeed champion, Who are you main influences musically, are you from an electro backgound?
I listen to a real range of music, I certainly don't consider myself to be from and electro background although I do DJ electro quite a lot. I mainly listen to artists like Kate Bush, David Bowie and The Beatles.

. when is the album due out then?
Later 2009, probably around the summer.

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Laasst Night [my birthday]

Firstly I would like to thank everyone who came to the 1in12 for the second disco!plastique night. It was a good night and i enjoyed everything about it... well except Jamie Hutchinson is a cock and i had to mop up some sick.. euw.

Here is a review kindly provided by Jordan Sexboss Saxby. Have a read;

10th January 1in12 Discoplastique NightFirst on this night were the zoo, a three piece that made a professional first impression with a clean cut sound and no messing about between songs. The lead singer has a nice voice, which suits the music they’re playing, however the music they are playing is nothing special. Don’t get me wrong, I would happily watch them again, but I would defiantly not be searching for them. The inclusion of an arctic monkeys cover was the last nail in the coffin for my opinion of this band, as it proved they’re just following the safe and boring formula of simple chord structures, indie shirts, breast guitars 1 and repetitive choruses to create a very bland musical experience.
The next band (after the presentation of the birthday cake for Lucas the promoter) were The Frenetics, and they played the best I have ever seen them. They take the formula I was just moaning about The Zoo using, and create something new with it. These boys are adventurous within their indie boundaries and aren’t afraid to try something new, the product of this is a well produced sound, brilliant stage presence, the ability to pull off two covers other bands would struggle to make even acceptable for human hearing and a feeling this band are making the music they enjoy. By the end of the set I was defiantly a fan of this brilliant band.
The night then got even better, and here was me thinking that no one would be able to beat the frenetic set this night. But the four piece sweet madness that is Just Handshakes We’re British (which is an amazing name!) blew me away. These three boys and a girl are truly inspired. They created a purely original, gorgeously cute sound. The use of both a tambourine as a drum stick and the little keyboard created the feeling I was listening to something new. The word twinkly was used at one point, and this probably sums up this band in a word. Me, of course being 6 years old inside, was very excited by the end of this band *smiles* and came away glowing. It was a pity the large crowd of people The Frenetics drew in didn’t stick around to see them.
The headliners, Lego Castles, instantly grabbed my attention as they were setting up as they were packing an extra floor tom and a glockenspiel. This theme of cool extra instruments was pretty much continued on throughout the amazingly energetic set (and if you ever see me play music live, you know they must be energetic for me to pick up on it!). However, I was let down by this band as they were VERY reminiscent of Los Campasinos and I like to go out and see bands make something new, not something I’ve seen before. This created what seemed to me a fake undertone to this band which kept me from appreciating them completely. It was fun, interesting to watch, and nice to listen to, but rather low in terms of originality.
Overall this night was mixed bag, with lots of brilliance, but a few moments of boredom. But, taking everything into account, this was a truly enjoyable night by a very professional and dedicated promoter. I look forward to going to more Disco Plastique gigs I the future.Have fun,Jordan

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

We're taking over The Mix.

The Mix is a radio show on Drystone FM [] It is an unsigned Yorkshire-based show exclusive to, which goes out at 6.00pm on Saturdays and repeats on Thursdays at 9.00pm.
Beep! are taking over the show for series three, and I will be becoming the presenter. I'm not too sure when the first of series three of three will be out, but it will probably be by the end of the monthish.

We need bands to send in their CD's to Beep! magazine headquarters [my house] at this adress

2 fieldway
bd14 6rp

i already have the first playlist ready and it will include tracks from EXP, Chasin Jade, The Spirit Of John, The Frontier Physciatrists and six other great acts.

hope to hear from you all soon

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

The Momeraths.

Ok, well here it goes. The first band I am going to introduce you to.

The Momeraths.

these lovely lovely people will be playing the 1ni12 club on the 7th of february. I would like to describe this band as 'Slow Club with Electric guitars', however they often do acoustic gigs. The band are a upbeat guitar pop band, one of my favourite genres at the moment. The band were named after those little fuzzy animals from Alice In Wonderland.. It's a good choice of name to be honest as if i was to describe their music animalistically a small fuzzy creature is what i would describe it as.
They will be playing glasto 09 and lounge at the farm, which is an ace thing to achieve lets face it!.

I fully reccomend you go listen to this band as they are ace and will warm you heart up just to the right level, like a hot chocolate with ice cream and sprinkles on top.

Keep posted Lucas.

What Are We Doing Here?!

Helllloooo people.
Firstly, I would like to welcome you to the Beep! magazine blog! You may ask what is the point of this blog? Well let me tell you.....
Yes, I am a bit of a loser and I do a lot of time surfing the net late at night and most of the day. This blog is here so that I can tell you all about the little things going on in the Beep! world, all updates and anything that couldn't make it into the magazine.
You may not be amazed to hear i don't only like local music from Bradford, and that in fact I like music from all over the place! I will be filling you in bands I find and think that you should all know about.

Well that's it for this post, keep your eyes open for more posts I'm sure this blog will be both entertaining and informative YAY!!

oooh PS ... I know i can't spell and I'm shit with grammar[although im trying hard as a new years resolution] but lets make a game out of it yeh?... the first people to point out spelling and grammar mistakes gets a special prize!!